Friday, 13 September 2013

The YouTube generation are immersed in a video-rich culture, where moving images across screens big and small, public and personal, permeate their methods of communication and consumption. For professional communicators to create an impact, a return to technical excellence and high production values is the most effective way to achieve this. Witness, Peaky Blinders, BBC2's new drama series. This is what television drama should be: epic; cinematic; and required viewing on a full-size, quality screen only. A domestic, theatrical presentation if you like, drawing an audience back to 'traditional' television consumption. And what's good for the channel controllers, is good for marketeers and other business communicators. Investing in quality video and visual media production does deliver a return. There is a role for iPhone-style footage, but customers, colleagues and investors expect more. Video production, regardless of its distribution channel, demands the same attention to detail as an HQ building or exhibition stand. It's time to focus on quality, and play a blinder.

Monday, 8 July 2013

The crowd cheering on Andy Murray from Henman Hill last Sunday afternoon was a perfect example of how the televisual medium can create a super-tribe of engaged viewers at a distance from the source of the action. Imaginative visual media production can place businesses on Centre Court too at the heart of their own super-tribes.

Let's talk.